The Crawlability Test Tool checks how easily search engine bots can access and index your website. It identifies crawl errors, validates your robots.txt file, ensures sitemap accessibility, analyzes URL structure, reviews internal linking, and detects blocked resources. By using this tool, you can fix issues that may prevent search engines from properly crawling your site, improving your visibility and SEO performance.

Key Features of the Crawlability Test Tool:

  1. Crawl Errors Detection: Identifies issues such as broken links, missing pages (404 errors), or server errors that may block search engine bots from accessing certain parts of your website.
  2. Robots.txt Validation: Checks your website’s robots.txt file to ensure that it’s correctly configured, allowing bots to crawl important pages while excluding those you don’t want indexed.
  3. Sitemap Accessibility: Verifies if your sitemap is present and accessible to search engine bots, ensuring that all of your pages are properly mapped out for easy crawling.
  4. URL Structure Analysis: Examines the structure of your website’s URLs to determine if they are clear, concise, and SEO-friendly, which helps improve crawl efficiency.
  5. Internal Linking Review: Evaluates the internal link structure to make sure it helps bots discover and navigate your pages efficiently, improving the overall indexability of your site.
  6. Blocked Resources: Identifies any blocked resources (like CSS or JavaScript files) that might prevent search engines from fully understanding your page content.

Using this tool allows website owners to pinpoint and fix crawlability issues that may be preventing their pages from being indexed or ranked properly. By optimizing crawlability, you improve the chances of all your content being visible in search engine results, leading to better SEO performance.